les couleurs de l'ocean pacifique

Repeuplement des poissons du lagon et crustacés

reintroduced fry in the lagoon

Repeuplement des poissons du lagon et crustacés

Ce projet vise à repeupler le lagon de Tetiaroa, en élevant et en effectuant des lâchers de poissons et de crustacés capturés au stade de la préfixation (ou au stade post-larvaire). Les post-larves de poissons seront capturées à l’aide de filets installés sur le récif de Tetiaroa. La mise en œuvre de ce projet s’inscrit dans la démarche de gestion durable des ressources qui a été approuvée par la Tetiaroa Society.

Principal Investigators: David Lecchini
Affiliations: CRIOBE
Project Dates: 2016

This program was started 2 years ago in Tetiaroa, the CENTRE OF ISLAND RESEARCH AND ENVIRONMENTAL OBSERVATORY (CRIOBE) has run the project with David Lecchini as Coordinator and Director of Studies. It aims at replenishing Tetiaroa’s lagoon by rearing and releasing fish and crustaceans caught at post-larval stage. The marine post-larvae will be caught using nets set up on the reef crest of Tetiaroa. The post-larvae will be kept in aquarium at Tetiaroa research center in cages or in the lagoon between 1 to 3 months according to species, and then released in the lagoon of Tetiaroa. Released fish and crustacean will be tagged by external tags or implantations of magnetic bars in the flesh of fish and crustaceans. This tagging will allow to estimate, several months after being released, the proportion of marine post-larvae raised involved the adult stock of fish and crustaceans at Tetiaroa. The replenishment of fish and crustacean will be conducted in the different parts of the Marine Protected Area at Tetiaroa. Overall, the implementation of this project is part of a responsible approach to management of the resource in the context of sustainable development on Tetiaroa and is part of the Conservation and Sustainable Use Plan.


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