atoll fern
research on the motu
communications policy

Tetiaroa Society Communications Policy

Tetiaroa Society is built upon the interest of supporters who are excited by the scientific achievements possible on the atoll.

Tetiaroa Society Communications Policy

Therefore, we ask that you work with our team to provide information about your research before and during your study, as well as an overall report following its conclusion. We are excited about all research projects that are approved by the Tetiaroa Society Scientific Advisory Board, and we want to share the news. The information and content that we will use in our various communications channels will include:

  • Project descriptions
  • Information on the research team
  • Information on the research subject
  • Photos from the field
  • Study reports
  • Published scientific papers and results

There are also opportunities to discuss and present your research with guests staying on Tetiaroa. Researchers may be asked to present their research in the form of a short presentation once during their stay.