President Obama visits the Research Center

President Obama visits the Research Center

President Obama spent three weeks at The Brando resort, using the time to work on his latest book. While here he visited the Tetiaroa Society Ecostation to meet our team and hear about our research and conservation programs. We had three different research teams onsite, and each one was able to discuss their work with the president.

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Herve Bossin, from the Institute Louis Malarde explained his Mosquito Control program and invited the president to take part in a release of sterile males.

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Alex Gagnon from University of Washington was able to show the president the UW team's experiment using the Brando's deep ocean water (used for air conditioning in the hotel) to provide CO2 to model possible future ocean conditions.

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Cecile Gaspar from Te Mana o te Moana discusses the turtle monitoring program.


President Obama also sat with us for some time to talk about TS conservation programs and possible future collaboration between TS and his foundation. In all it was great to show President Obama what we are doing on Tetiaroa and it was an honor that he took the time to visit with us.


Obama visited the Tetiaroa Society Research Center