les couleurs de l'ocean pacifique
white tern

Observation de al Nature ... Des ornithologues amateurs en vadrouille

Vous n’avez pas besoin d’être un ornithologue pour regarder les oiseaux sur Tetiaroa. Sur Tetiaroa, ils ne sont pas seulement beaux, mais aussi n’ont pas aussi peur de l’homme que dans la plupart des autres endroits parce qu’ils n’ont pas de prédateurs naturels sur Tetiaroa. Nous trouvons que la meilleure façon de prêter attention aux oiseaux est de les observer avec un appareil photo. Cela vous oblige à aller lentement, à être patient, et à faire attention à tout ce qui vous entoure, tout en vous focalisant sur un oiseau pendant un moment pour voir ce qu’il fait, et, si vous êtes chanceux, pour capturer quelque chose de spécial avec votre appareil photo.

Des ornithologues amateurs en vadrouille

long-tailed cuckoo in an aito tree

long-tailed cuckoo in an aito tree

My birding day started with coffee, and while I was enjoying my coffee and reading internet news on the porch of my bungalow, I caught a glimpse of something zipping by through the trees along the beach.

The wingbeat and flight path was not like a seabird, and I immediately jumped for my camera since I knew it must be a Long-tailed Cuckoo. Although you hear these birds quite often, it is rare to get a good look at one, and I had never gotten a good photo.

These birds are very wary and blend in we will the trees, but I did manage to finally get one shot at a distance before it flew off.

So then it was off to Motu Reiono where White Terns are staking out nesting sites (actually just a bare branch), and hover around nervously as you pass by.

white tern
white terns in a tree
white terns
white tern
red-footed booby

Adult white phase Red-Footed Booby

Also saw a beautiful adult white phase Red-Footed Booby – that is with a white upper body rather than the normal gray feathers.

red-footed booby

Normal red-footed booby

Up on the northern coast, along the shore of Motu Hiraanae, the Frigatebird colony (which has both Greater and Lesser Frigatebirds) was in full swing, with chicks, juveniles, and adults all in attendance.

frigatebird colony

Then late in the day, back on my porch as the sun was getting low, I was again treated to a bird moment when two Reef Herons, each one a different color morph, showed up to fish along the shore.

Plus de 'nature notes' de Murphy